Blwyddyn 4 - Miss Davies/Mr Wagg (Miss Hewitson)
Croeso i Fflwyddyn 4!
Welcome to Year 4!
This year, our classes are:
Dosbarth Glas - Miss Davies
Dosbarth Coch - Mr Wagg (Miss Hewitson)
The classes will be supported by Miss Annie
Year 4 PPA teachers will be Miss Atkins and Mrs McFarlane.
Our school day:
Start - 8:45 am - Doors open at 8:35 am.
The school gates will be closed at 8:45 am every morning if you are later than this time please go straight to the office.
Finish - 3:00 pm
Both classes will enter and be dismissed through the door on the year 5/6 yard.
Reading book bags
Every child had been given a book bag and a reading record. Book bags will go home on Thursday and are expected to come back into school the following Wednesday to allow us time to change the children's books if needed before Thursday. Children are expected to read at least twice a week at home, each time to be recorded in their reading record for us to see in school. Please write in the reading record how you child found the book so we can adjust the book accordingly.
Children can also access reading books via the Giglets website if they would like to read some more. All children have received a hand-out which has their personal login details on. If your child needs a reminder of their login please contact your class teacher.
Physical Education / Addysg Grofforol
Both classes will have their P.E. lesson on a Thursday. Children must come to school on a Thursday wearing their P.E. Kit.
Please wear the following items to school on a Thursday:
T-Shirt / Crys-T
Shorts / Siorts
Trainers or daps / Esgidiau chwaraeon
P.E lessons will be taking place outside so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately.
Please ensure all P.E. kit is labelled clearly.
Water / Dwr
Please provide your child with a bottle of water each day for school. Please avoid fizzy drinks and energy drinks. Your child will have the opportunity to refill their own water bottles throughout the day.
Pupil are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to consume at break time. Pupils will not be allowed to eat crisps and chocolate bars, these will be given back to the children to consume out of school hours.
Homework/Gwaith Cartref
Homework and spellings will be set electronically via Google Classroom. Your child will need to be able to access Google Classroom using an iPad, tablet, Chromebook, laptop etc.
A homework grid will also be posted on the Google Classroom with additional homework related to our topic.
Accessing Google Classroom from Home
To access Google classroom pupils can download a FREE app via the App store on an ipad or iphone and via the Google Play Store on Android devices. Pupils then need to sign in using the username and password
provided to them by the class teacher.
To access google classroom on a laptop or PC pupils need to go to and sign in with their HWB details.
Forgotten your HWB details? No problem, notify your class teacher and they can help you out.
Topic 1 - Yummy!/Pwnc 1 - Blasus!
In our exciting topic "Yummy!" we will dive into the wonderful world of food! We’ll learn about healthy eating in Health and Wellbeing, discovering how fruits and vegetables help our bodies grow strong. In Mathematics, we’ll measure ingredients for tasty recipes and create fun graphs to show our favorite foods. Through Language and Communication, we’ll read stories about food and write our own recipes. In Creative, we’ll compose our own songs and make food-themed art, while in Science and Technology, we’ll explore how food is grown and try out simple cooking experiments. Finally, in Humanities, we’ll celebrate different cuisines from around the world, learning how food connects us to our cultures and traditions.
Get ready for a delicious journey!
Yummy Homework Grid/Grid Gwaith Catref Yummy
Topic 2 - Children of Wales/Pwnc 2 - Plant Cymru
In our topic "Children of Wales," we will explore what it means to grow up in Wales! In Health and Wellbeing, we’ll discuss how children stay healthy and active through sports and traditional games. In Mathematics, we’ll learn about the population of Wales and use graphs to compare how many children live in different areas. Through Language and Communication, we’ll read stories and legends from Welsh culture and even write our own tales. In Creative Arts, we’ll make crafts inspired by Welsh traditions and create posters celebrating our favorite things about being a child in Wales. In Science and Technology, we’ll explore the natural environment of Wales, learning about its animals and plants. Finally, in Humanities, we’ll study the history and heritage of children in Wales, discovering how their lives have changed over time. Get ready to celebrate the amazing children of Wales!
Topic 3 - Who's in charge?/Pwnc 3 - Pwy sy'n yn llyw?
Have you ever wondered who makes the rules at school, in your community, or even in the world? In the topic "Who's in Charge?", we will explore what it means to be a leader and who has the power to make decisions. From teachers and headteachers to presidents and kings, leaders come in many forms, each with their own special responsibilities. You’ll discover how leaders help make our world run smoothly, how they make tough choices, and how we can all show leadership in our own lives. Get ready to think about fairness, teamwork, and what it takes to be a good leader!