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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 1 - Year 1

Croeso i Flwyddyn 1! 

Welcome to Year 1!


Our classes this year are:

Dosbarth Glas - Miss Sheedy & Mrs Walters

Dosbarth Coch - Mrs Shears, Miss Lewis



Healthy snack is available from school and costs £1 per week or 20p a day if you would like your child to receive school snack.  If you would rather provide your own snack, you may also send in a healthy snack for your child to have during snack time.  



Dosbarth Glas will have P.E. on a Tuesday.

Dosbarth Coch will have P.E. on a Thursday.


Please bring the following items on P.E. days:

T-Shirt / Crys-T

Shorts / Siorts

Trainers or daps / Esgidiau chwaraeon


Please ensure all P.E. kit is clearly labelled.


Reading books

Your child will be given a reading book for home reading, and a reading record for comments.  These books will be changed weekly if the children have read their book.  Please leave a comment in their reading record so the teachers know that the book is ready to be changed during the week.  Please return books and reading records by a Thursday each week.



Summer 2 - Carnival

We have now started our final topic of the year, 'Carnival'. This topic is going to have a geographic focus, where the children will be exploring different carnivals all over the world such as Rio and Notting Hill Carnival.  We will be focusing on the country of Brazil and comparing it to where we live in Wales.  We will be having a visit from A & S Animal Encounters, who will be bringing some Brazilian animals for us to see and find out about.


Our 3 big questions for this topic will be:

- What is a carnival?

- Where do carnivals take place?

- What is Brazil like?


Important dates coming up in this topic:

- Sports Day - Wednesday 26th June 2019

- A&S Animal Encounter Workshop - Thursday 1st July 2019

- Move up day - Thursday 18th July 2019

- Last day of school - Friday 19th July 2019


Carnival Topic Webs

Summer 1 - Dens and Dandelions

Welcome back! We are now beginning the Summer term and what an exciting, busy term it is going to be!  Our topic for the next 6 weeks is Dens and Dandelions.  This topic is going to have a scientific focus, where the children will be exploring the different living things that we can find outdoors, including a range of plants, mini-beasts and other animals.  We will be visiting Mountain View Ranch later on in the topic, where the children will be taking part in wonderful outdoor activities, such as the Gruffalo trail and toasting marshmallows around a campfire!

Our 3 big questions for this topic will be:

- What do plants need to grow?

- Are mini-beasts all the same?

- Where do plants and mini-beasts live?


Important dates coming up in this topic:

- Back to school - Monday 29th April 2019

- INSET day - Friday 3rd  May 2019

- Bank holiday - Monday 6th May 2019

- INSET day - Tuesday 7th May 2019

- Outdoor Classroom Day - Thursday 23rd May 2019

- Break up for Whitsun - Friday 24th May 2019

- Back to school - Monday 3rd June 2019

- Mountain View Ranch visit - Tuesday 11th June 2019

Topic Web Summer 1 - Dens and Dandelions

RSPB Bioblitz visit to Blwyddyn 1 Glas

Blwyddyn 1 Glas following instructions to plant their seeds

Spring 2 - Dragon Tales

Welcome back - we hope you have had a wonderful Half Term break!  We have a very busy half term coming up, including:

- Belated St David's Day celebrations (6th March)

- World Book Day (7th March)

- Weekly Forest School sessions (Monday and Tuesdays)

- Caerphilly Castle Trip (26th March)


Our topic this half term is 'Dragon Tales', which will have a particular Historical and Geographical focus on Welsh Castles, and castles around the world.  We will be visiting Caerphilly Castle on Tuesday 26th March 2019, where the children will have the opportunity to explore the Welsh castle and their dragon lair. 

Topic Web for Spring 2 - Dragon Tales

Spring 1

Our topic this half term is 'Superheroes'.  As part of this topic we will be comparing and contrasting the different features of some popular Superheroes, creating our own Superheroes and super powers, and looking at the real-life Superheroes that exist all around us.


The 3 big questions we will be trying to answer during this topic are:

- What different powers do Superheroes have?

- What does being a 'Superhero' really mean?

- Are there any real-life Superheroes?


Don't forget our Superhero Topic Engage Day on Tuesday 8th January 2019.  Year 1 Children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite Superhero!

Blwyddyn 1 / Year 1 Superheroes Topic Web Spring 1

Real life Superheroes - visit from the Fire Service!

Year 1 Glas Fozen Superhero Science Experiment

Rubicon Dance Show 4.2.19!

Year 1 children took part in the Rubicon Dance Showcase 2019 at St David’s Hall.  The dance was based on the song ‘I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’ from the movie ‘The Lion King’. The children spent lots of time rehearsing for the dance, and put in so much effort. Well done everyone, we are all so proud of you!

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is 'Dinosaur Discovery'.  As part of this topic we will be covering a wide variety of activities and skills to answer the following big questions:

- When were dinosaurs alive?

- What were the features of different dinosaurs?

- Where did dinosaurs live?


Year 1 Dinosaur Discovery Topic Overview

Autumn 1

Our topic this half term is "Yr Ysgol".  During this topic we will be covering a range of skills whilst finding out the answers to the following big questions:


- Why do we go to school?

- How has Bryn Hafod and the local area changed over time?

- What helps us at school?

- Who are my friends?


We have attached our topic web map below.

Year 1 Yr Ysgol Topic Overview

Year 1 Glas visit to St Cadocs Church