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Bryn Hafod Primary School home page

Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Reception Classes

Welcome to Mrs Usher and Miss Humphries class page. Here you will find all the relevant and latest information about upcoming events and will be able to see what we have been getting up to in Reception. 

School Closure Learning Packs

Here are the Home Learning Packs for Reception.  They are in PDF format.  The learning packs have been designed so that children do not have to access a digital device although we recognise that some of the tasks and activities could be completed with the use of the device.  If your child chooses to do so that is fine with us.  We just wanted to be able to cater for all children and we are aware that not all children have a device at home. 


We appreciate that this is an extraordinary way of learning for your child.  Please adapt the acticities if you believe they are too difficult or too easy for your child.  As you are aware teachers are currently working to ensure that the children of NHS workers are look after and are also beusy preparing work for your children when the next 4 weeks are up. 


Should there be any issues with accessing the home learning packs then you can contact If there is a way of solving the problem e.g. by making a task easier / harder then do so.  Emailing the above email address should be a last resort. 


Thank you for your support.  Stay safe.

Useful Home Learning Websites by Category

Useful School Closure Website Links for Parents and Pupils 

In the event of a school closure due to COVID-19 the following website links may be useful for providing activities, games and resources for you to use for home learning.  Activities from these websites may be completed on a voluntary basis in addition to the Pupil Resource Packs sent home from school.   


Google Apps for Education Links


Hwb Website 


Other Websites

Attached is an ELSA (Well-Being) timetable which you might find useful.


Reception children eat their lunch with the upper Foundation Phase classes and join them on the school playground.  It is your choice whether your child receives a hot school lunch or a packed lunch from home.

School Lunch

A healthy, well balanced meal is available for all children every school day.  The cost of a school lunch is £2.50 per day.  Please put money in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child's name every MONDAY.  If you feel your child may be eligible for free school meals, please request a form from the office and return it to County Hall.

Packed Lunch

As part of the 'Healthy Schools' initiative driven by the Welsh Government, please provide your child with a healthy, well-balanced packed lunch to eat in school.  Please ensure that all lunch bags, food pots and bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name and class written on it.

Breakfast Club

As part of the Welsh Government's 'Healthy Schools' initiative, Bryn Hafod provides a free, well balanced breakfast for all children aged 4 and above.  If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, please request a form from the office.  Breakfast Club begins at 8 am.  Please arrive on time.


In Reception, we have continuous access to our fantastic outdoor area and garden so we are developing our physical skills all of the time.  We have a focused PE lesson in the main Foundation Phase hall every Wednesday.

Reading Books

Once your child is ready for a reading book or home reader, we will send one home for you to share with your child.  Please bring reading books to school EVERYDAY in the book bag provided.

Daily mile

Each day we will be doing our 'daily mile' around the playground as part of effort to be a healthy school. 

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for them to be able to take part!

Daily Yoga

We will be doing daily yoga sessions in class which will include listening to calming music, meditating, breathing exercises and learning yoga poses.


In Reception, we provide 'rolling snack' throughout the morning where the children help themselves to healthy foods.  The cost is £1 per week which will cover snack and any cooking activities we do.


Spring 1 - Space


Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely break.  Our new topic this term is 'Space.'  As part of this topic, the children will be learning about Earth and how we, in Wales, can help to look after it.  We will also be learning about the Planets, the sun and stars and finally, Light and Dark.

For out 'Stunning Start' we will be visiting The Planetarium at Techniquest on Thursday 16th January.  For our 'Marvellous Middle' we are hoping for a visit from Buzz Lightyear and our regular trip to the Library to get more books for our next topic.  During the last week of term, we will have a Fabulous Finish by celebrating our topic with an Alien Party when we will dress up, eat alien food and dance to Alien music! 

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 16th January 2020 - Trip to Techniquest

Thursday 13th February 2020 - Last day of term for children

Friday 14th February 2020 - INSET DAY

Dates for the Diary


Every Wednesday - Reception PE

Tuesday 3rd September - First day for children 

Monday 21st October - Parents Evening

Tuesday 22nd October - Parents Evening 

Mon 28th October - Half Term begins

Monday 4th November - Children back to school

Thursday 12th December - Christmas Dinner

Friday 20th December - Last Day of Term

Monday 6th January - INSET Day 

Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school 

Autumn 1 - Marvellous me

Our topic this half term is 'Marvellous Me'

As part of this topic we will be covering a wide range of activities and skills to answer the following big questions:

Who belongs in my family?

How can I be a good friend?

Where do I live?