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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 1/2 Glas - Mrs Smith

Croeso i Fflwyddyn 1/2 Glas!

Welcome to Year 1/2 Glas!


A class of 28 wonderful 5, 6 and 7 year olds. We are determined, hard working and always want to do our best.


We are supported in Year 1/2 Glas by Miss Lewis and Miss Louise.

Year 1/2 Glas PPA teachers will be Miss Atkins and Mrs MacFarlane.


Our School Day 


Start time: 8:35 

Finish time: 3:00 




In year 1/2 Glas we will provide snack for your child. Snack costs £1 a week and will consist of fruit and vegetables. Please give snack money to your teacher at the start of the week. Children also have the opportunity to provide their own healthy snacks.


Please make your class teacher aware if your child has any allergies. 



Please provide your child with a bottle of water each day. They will have opportunities throughout the day to refill their own bottles. 


P.E Days


Children must come to school wearing their P.E. Kit on their allocated day for PE.


Our allocated day is Wednesday.


Please wear the following items to school on a PE day:

T-Shirt / Crys-T

Shorts / Siorts

Tracksuit / Traciau

Trainers or daps / Esgidiau chwaraeon


P.E lessons will be taking place outside (weather permitting) so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately.


Please ensure all P.E. kit is labelled clearly.


Our topics:


Autumn 1 – Pwy wyt ti? 

Our topic this term is called ‘Pwy wyt ti?’. Through a range of fiction and non-fiction books, we will be learning about what makes us who we are- our true unique selves. We will learn about emotions and how our actions can affect others. We will be discussing what makes us happy and how we can make others happy.  We will be looking at well-being and coping strategies when we are feeling overwhelmed, exploring our senses, investigating healthy and unhealthy foods and finding out how we can continue to grow as healthy, confident individuals. 

Autumn 2- All That Glitters.

Our topic this term is called “All That Glitters”. Through this topic we will look at and celebrate festivals and different celebrations from all over the world. These include Bonfire night, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Christmas and many more. Children will have chance to explore and learn using all of their senses/learning styles with a huge focus on music and art. We will explore Welsh musicians and express ourselves through art- using different skills and techniques. 


 Spring 1- Step Back in Time.

Our topic this term is called “Step Back in Time”. This topic will focus on significant historical events/people in Wales and the wider world. We will look at timelines and compare similarities and differences between present time and the past. Maybe a Victorian school day will show children what it used to be like. In Science and Technology our focus will be Forces. Lots of lovely experiments will really support the children's learning. 


Spring 2- Tales from Wales.

Learning and talking all things “Wales”. We will talk about what makes us proud to be Welsh, Welsh traditions and the beautiful and wonderful places in our country. We will compare the Brecon Beacons to the city centre and Cardiff Bay and learn fantastic new geographical vocabulary.  Children will have the chance to look deeper into how the natural world have impacted people locally i.e. mining, pollution and look at our responsibilities when looking after our planter. We will also look at important Welsh people and artists and even try and recreate their work.


Summer 1- Let's grow.

Through this topic, we will be looking at MRS GREN and different life-cycles. We will learn about living and non-living things, habitats and how animals adapt and are suited to their habitats. 



 Summer 2- What a Wonderful World.

Through this topic, we will be looking at physical features of places beyond our local areas. We will take all of our knowledge from "Tales from Wales" and compare Wales to the wider world. We will focus on human and physical features and differences of urban and rural. We will step back in time with transport and compare the similarities and difference between "then and now". The children will have chance to design a "vehicle of the future". 


Reading in Year 1/2 Glas. 

Reading at home is very important. Reading for just 10 minutes a day can make a BIG difference. Each week we will be sending reading books home for you to read with your child. Please comment on your child's reading ability in the yellow book before sending the books back to school to be changed. We ask for reading books to be brought in on a Wednesday and will be sent home on a Friday.


Useful links for reading at home with your children: 


BBC I player is showing Julia Donaldson books as films. Children can watch and listen to these. 


Listening to stories.


Children can read a range of stories on this website. They are, unfortunately not in book form, but you can scroll down as you do on an internet page. 


An American website but some really good links for children who are learning to read.


This website allows you to access a range of E-books. 


This website allows you to read along to a range of different E-books.



Thank you for your support,


Please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff if you have any queries whatsoever.