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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 4 - Year 4

Croeso i Blywddyn 4

Dosbarth 4 Coch - Miss Davies

Dosbarth 4 Glas - Mrs Long


Healthy Heroes Week


As part of our Healthy Heroes Week, Year 4 will be visiting Llanrumney Phoenix Boxing Gym on Thursday 27th June to participate in a fun fitness session. Please see your class teacher if you do not wish your child to participate. 

Children in Year 4 have settled very well into their new classes!

So far this year, children in Year 4 have enjoyed two out-of-school visits (St. Fagan's Natural History Museum and Cardiff Castle), participated in Forest Schools and taken part in African drumming sessions! We have had a busy yet exciting start to the school year and we hope you will enjoy keeping up to date with all of the fun that we have, here on our class page!

Physical Education/Addysg Grofforol

Year 4 PE sessions will take place on a Thursday afternoon. 


During these PE sessions, children will explore a variety of striking and fielding games.


Children will need a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers/leggings and trainers. Activities will take place outside if the weather permits. 


Please ensure children have the relevant PE kit I school each Thursday to enjoy these sessions. 


Thank you



Reading is vital to a child's education and in Year 4 we reward reading with Class Dojo points, which contributes to our VIP award as well as other small rewards. Children's reading logs are checked and signed every Tuesday and Friday by Year 4 teachers, but can be changed as required. 

Thank you

Summer Term

Welcome back to the Summer Term!


This terms topic is Down in the Woods. This topic is going to have a scientific focus, where children will be exploring the outdoors, discovering habitats, comparing mini beasts/animals and studying different life cycles.

National Tests

Children in Years 2 to 9 now take national tests in reading and numeracy. It is important that your child is in school to take these tests. These tests will take place between Wednesday 8th May and Tuesday 14th May. Please speak to you child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding these tests.


Spring 2

This term pupils will be exploring Cardiff Bay and it’s surroundings, locating these on ordinate survey maps. Pupils will learn about the development of Cardiff Bay and how it has changed over time. Pupils will recognise natural and man-made features of Cardiff, and compare and contrast these to their local areas.

Year 4 Swimming Lessons

Pupils will be attending swimming lessons at Eastern Leisure Centre from Monday 4th March to Friday 15th March during the afternoon session. Please ensure that your child brings the correct equipment to school each day so that they can participate in this activity.

Year 4 Residential to Cardiff Bay

As you can imagine, the children are very excited about their upcoming trip to Cardiff Bay on Thursday 7th - Friday 8th March. Mrs, Lundrigan, Miss Davies, Mr Matthews and Alex will be accompanying the children.


Please ensure that if your child is attending that you have returned the medical form to Miss Davies, with any medicines clearly labelled with your child's name. Spending money must be placed in a purse or wallet and labelled with the child's name. this should be given to Miss Davies on arrival.


Children are not allowed to being any electronic devices or mobile phones. Daily communication on activities will be via text or twitter. 



Spring 1

During Spring 1 pupils will be discovering how children in Wales were affected by World War Two. We will learn about why World War 2 started, why children were evacuated, what happened during the Blitz and what rationing involved.

World War Two Day

On Wednesday 29th January, Year 4 will have a World War II Day. We are inviting pupils to dress up in 1940s costumes and make a £1.00 contribution towards the day. We have booked for an outside agency to deliver a interactive workshop and pupils will have the opportunity to taste different recipes that would have been made from rations. 

We are sure that it will be a really enjoyable experience.

Forthcoming Dates


Autumn Half Term - 29/10/18 - 2/11/18

Year 3 and Year 4 Christmas Production - 19/12/18

Christmas Holidays Start 24/12/18

Inset Day: Monday 7th January

Pupils back in School Tuesday 8th January

Spring Half Term: Monday 25/2/19 - Friday 1/3/19

Easter holidays Start: Monday 15/4/19

Pupils back in School: Monday 29/4/19

Inset Day: Friday 3rd May 2019

Bank Holiday: Monday 6th may

Inset day: Tuesday 7th may 2019

Summer Half Term: Monday 27/5/19 - Friday 31/5/19

Last Day for pupils: Friday 19th July 2019

Inset Day: Monday 22nd July 2019