Croeso / Welcome

Bryn Hafod School Song!
Welcome to Bryn Hafod Primary School's website,
Bryn Hafod is the partner school of Glan yr Afon. We federated on 20th February 2020 as The Rainbow Federation. I am the Executive Headteacher and I work across both schools. Mrs Ceri Porter is the Head of School and Mr Rhys Walters is the Assistant Headteacher and ALNCo. Bryn Hafod is a large 2 form entry primary school in the east of Cardiff. We also have a Local Authority Resource Base class for pupils with complex needs from across Cardiff.
We have vast school grounds and we use these to run Forest Schools sessions for each child during the year. The children love these sessions!
We also have a school dog called Skully. Skully is a cockapoo and has achieved the gold award in The Dog Mentor training programme. He works one day a week, usually a Tuesday with Mrs Rutter. Skully lives with me when he is not in school.
As a school, we continue to aspire high in everything we do. Bryn Hafod is going from strength to strength and anyone visiting the school will see exciting teaching and learning opportunities for our children. We want children to be happy – to enjoy school and nurture a love of learning from the start leading to character building and lifelong learning so that they become the very best that they can be.
Your children will always be our number one priority but, as parents and carers, you too are an important part of the partnership between home and school to ensure that your child enjoys and achieves at school and takes away memorable moments and memories from their time at Bryn Hafod Primary School.
We hope that you will take the time to explore our school through our website, to gain a feel of what we are about; working together, through our shared vision "Learning for life..........successful futures start here!"
I look forward to meeting you all
Rhian Lundrigan
Executive Headteacher