Blwyddyn 4 - Year 4
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4!
Welcome to Year 4!
Our classes this year are:
Dosbarth Glas - Miss Hewitson
Dosbarth Coch - Miss Sheedy
Both classes will be supported by Mrs Morgan and Miss Annmarie.
Mrs Birch and Miss Canham will be running interventions.
Year 4 PPA teachers will be Mrs Porter and Mrs Moore.
School Closure Learning Packs
Here are the Home Learning Packs for Y4. They are in PDF format. The learning packs have been designed so that children do not have to access a digital device although we recognise that some of the tasks and activities could be completed with the use of the device. If your child chooses to do so that is fine with us. We just wanted to be able to cater for all children and we are aware that not all children have a device at home.
We appreciate that this is an extraordinary way of learning for your child. Please adapt the acticities if you believe they are too difficult or too easy for your child. As you are aware teachers are currently working to ensure that the children of NHS workers are look after and are also beusy preparing work for your children when the next 4 weeks are up.
Should there be any issues with accessing the home learning packs then you can contact If there is a way of solving the problem e.g. by making a task easier / harder then do so. Emailing the above email address should be a last resort.
Thank you for your support. Stay safe.
Useful Home Learning Websites by Category
Home Learning Packs Y4
Useful School Closure Website Links for Parents and Pupils
In the event of a school closure due to COVID-19 the following website links may be useful for providing activities, games and resources for you to use for home learning. Activities from these websites may be completed on a voluntary basis in addition to the Pupil Resource Packs sent home from school.
Google Apps for Education Links
Hwb Website
Other Websites
May ELSA Calendar - Each daily activity can really help improve well-being during this time off school!
Physical Education / Addysg Grofforol
Both classes will have P.E. on a Tuesday.
Please bring the following items on P.E. days:
T-Shirt / Crys-T
Shorts / Siorts
Trainers or daps / Esgidiau chwaraeon
Please ensure all P.E. kit is clearly labelled.
Reading / Darllen
Your child will be given a reading book for home reading, and a reading record for comments. These books will be updated and changed regularly if the children have read their book. Please leave a comment in their reading record so the teachers know that the book is ready to be changed during the week.
Spellings / Sillafu
During our Literacy lessons, we will be working on spellings every day throughout the week. The children will carry out daily spelling activities in class and will bring home a spelling list to learn every Friday. Spelling tests will take place every Tuesday morning. Please ensure that your child learns their spellings each week.
Spring 1 - Children of World War II
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year break. Our new topic this term is 'Children of World War II'. As part of this topic the children will be learning about the events of World War II with a particular focus on how children in Wales were affected.
As part of this topic we are hoping for a visitor to come into school, who will run workshops with the children for our Marvellous Middle.
On Wednesday 12th February 2020, we will be having a World War 2 day where the children will be invited to dress up as World war 2 clothes, and we will be acting as though we were living a day during the early 1940's.
We also have UpBeat music sessions every Thursday this half term, where the children will get the opportunity to play tuned percussion instruments.
Dates for the diary
Friday 17th January 2020 - Miss Sheedy's (Blwyddyn Coch) Class Assembly
Friday 24th January 2020 - Miss Hewitson's (Blwyddyn Glas) Class Assembly
Wednesday 12th February 2020 - Year 4 World War 2 Day
Thursday 13th February 2020 - Last day for children before half term
Friday 14th February 2020 - INSET day
Autumn 2 - Potions
Our topic this half term is 'Potions'. As part of this topic we will be covering a wide range of activities and skills to answer the following big questions:
- What is a potion?
- What materials dissolve in water?
- What are potions used for?
Our focus book for this topic will be George's Marvellous Medicine, Roald Dahl.
For our Marvellous Middle, we will be having a visit from Cardiff University PhD students, who will be delivering a Potions workshop to the children on Wednesday 4th December.
During this half term, we will also be practising for our Christmas Concert 'Straw and Order' which will take place on Wednesday 18th December.
Dates for the Diary
Every Tuesday - Year 4 PE
Thursday 12th December - Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 18th December - Year 3/4 Christmas Production
Friday 20th December - Last Day of Term
Monday 6th January - INSET Day
Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school
Autumn 1 - The Romans
Our topic this half term is 'The Romans'. As part of this topic we will be covering a wide range of activities and skills to answer the following big questions:
- Who were the Romans?
- Where did they invade?
- Why didn't they conquer the World?
We will also be visiting Caerleon Roman Baths and Amphitheatre which will give the children the opportunity to explore the Roman remains of the Amphitheatre and the Barracks, as well as visiting the Roman Baths Museum.
Forest Schools
Throughout this half term (Autumn 1), Year 4 will be taking part in Forest School sessions with Mrs Walters on a Monday (Coch) or Tuesday (Glas) morning. Please provide suitable footwear for the outdoors as well as clothing to suit the weather becoming colder e.g scarves, coats.
Building Hadrian’s Wall using Lego
Visit to Caerleon Roman Baths
Dates for the Diary
Every Tuesday - Year 4 PE
Tuesday 3rd September - First day for children
Wednesday 2nd October - Caerleon Roman Baths trip
Monday 21st October - Parents Evening
Tuesday 22nd October - Parents Evening
Mon 28th October - Half Term begins
Monday 4th November - Children back to school