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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 6 - Year 6

Elsa Wellbeing Timetable May 2020

Cardiff University Pharmabees Project

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Croeso i Blwyddyn Chwech -

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page.


Year 6 Teachers are Mr Guinee and Mr Horton.

This year Mr Guinee and Mr Horton will be joined by Teaching Assistants  Miss Phillips and Mrs McDonald. We are all looking forward to teaching your children this year.  We welcome the children back into school on Tuesday 3rd September 2019.  Below is some important information you will need to know about this year.  


PE Days

PE days for Year 6 will be every Friday. PE kits should be brought into school on these days without exception.  PE is an important part of the curriculum and plays a vital role in your child's overall health and wellbeing.  Please ensure that your child has appropriate PE kit every Friday.  


Please bring the following items on P.E. days:

T-Shirt / Crys-T

Shorts / Siorts

Trainers or daps / Esgidiau chwaraeon


Please ensure all P.E. kit is clearly labelled.



We will be working on spellings every day throughout the week in Year 6.  The children will carry out daily spelling activities in class and will bring home a spelling list to learn every Friday.  Spelling tests will take place every Monday morning.  Please ensure that your child learns their spellings each week.   


Reading Books

Your child will be bringing home this week a book bag with spellings and a reading book enclosed.  Please ensure that your child's book bag and spelling list is returned to school at the start of each week.  Reading records and books will be checked on a regular basis and we expect the pupils to have read at least part of their book at home.  Any reading that the child has carried out during the weekend should be recorded in their reading record.  Positive rewards will be handed out in class for those children regularly returning their reading record and books bag.  



Every other Thursday Mr Horton and Mr Guinee will have their PPA time. This is so that they can prepare, plan and assess work for your children throughout the year.  This will begin on Thursday 5th September and will continue to take place every other Thursday after this date.  Mr Guinee's class will be covered on these days by Miss Perryman and Mr Horton's class will be covered by Miss McFarlane.  


Autumn Term Topic

Our Autumn Term topic to kick off the year is 'Where in the World?'  We will be posting a Topic Overview on this site very soon so that you can see the types of activities we will be carrying out in class.  We are going to carry out a contrasting locality study by focusing on Japan and comparing it to Wales.  We will be looking at the culture and traditions of Japan as well as focusing on the Rugby World Cup that is taking place there this Autumn.  We have a variety of activities and learning experiences lined up for the children that I am sure they will tell you about in due course.