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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 5 - Year 5

Healthy Heroes Week
As part of our Healthy Heroes Week, Year 5 will be visiting Llanrumney Phoenix Boxing Gym on Tuesday 25th June to participate in a fun fitness session. Please see your class teacher if you do not wish your child to participate. 

2019 is here. Welcome back. Mr McLeod and Mr Evans are really looking forward to a very busy, exciting term. Our topic for this term is Allotment. We have many wonderful lessons planned and a few trips too. Below is an overview of what we will be learning this term.


Thank you Mr McLeod and Mr Evans.

We have been learning about germination in plants and seed dispersal. The children created a controlled experiment. This meant we changed one variable and observed any differences.
After 22 days we ended our experiment and drew conclusions. 

Spring 2 Overview

Spring Topic - Allotment

Mini Me Yoga Sessions

Working hard in our reading carousel!

Upbeat African Drumming Workshop

Latest News

Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that this is the section of the website where you can find all the latest information regarding Year 5 at Bryn Hafod Primary School.  We trust that you have had a fantastic Summer Break and are looking forward to the Autumn Term 2018/19.  Mr McLeod & Mr. Evans are looking forward to teaching your children this year.  Our second Autumn Term Topic is the 'Disaster Zone'.



Hi all, we met in our pupil voice groups this afternoon.  Congratulations to all of those pupils that have been nominated by their peers to represent the school in the various groups.  To find out more information about the pupil voice groups please follow the link on our main page from > Children, >Class Pages.  



Hi all, please could you make sure that Book bags are returned to school on a Tuesday and a Friday.  We have a number of children across Year 5  that have not been returning them on a regular basis. Please ensure that your child does so, diolch! We've had a great week this week studying Natural Disasters.  The children are making good progress and trying very hard.  Diolch blant!




Accessing Google Accounts from Home

Hi all some parents have been asking how to access their Google accounts from home.  The children will need their usernames (pupils should know these) followed by the Bryn Hafod Domain name e.g - the pupils then use their password that they use in school.


They can access the following software in this way: 

NB. (There is no www. in the address bar! 


Google Docs - 

Google Sheets -

Google Mail -

Google Drive - 



Literacy and Numeracy 

As when your child was in Y4 last year, during Literacy and Numeracy sessions in school your child will be assigned a literacy and numeracy teacher that may be different to your child's usual class teacher.  This helps us to work with your child at his/her level to ensure that work is challenging and suited to their level of ability.


Year 5 PE Days 

PE will take place every week and will be on Tuesday.  Please ensure that your child brings appropriate PE kit on these days.  Should your child not bring PE kit on this day they shall either take part in the session using PE kit provided by the school or alternatively they may be asked to complete a worksheet based on the children's experience.  This will ensure that all children participate in the lesson in some form.  We would prefer it if your child could bring in dark shorts/leggings and a plain white T-shirt for PE sessions in school.  As part of our health and wellbeing initiative in school it is important that your child brings kit to school that they will then change into specifically for PE lessons.  School uniform does not count towards appropriate PE kit.  Thank you for your support with this matter.


Reading Books

Reading Books for Y5 must be returned on Tuesday's and Fridays.






Class Dojo

All pupils have now been added to Class Dojo in Year 5.

Please get the app and sign up to keep up to date with your child's progress.

Autumn Term Overview 'Natural Disasters' - Trosolwg pwnc - Tymor yr Hydref