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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!


Week beginning 21st May

This week we have been focusing on 'The Enormous Turnip' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The children have had lots of outdoor opportunities this week thanks to the glorious sunshine. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing for the weather, including sensible footwear. 


On Wednesday 2nd May we had our first of six trips to the Wyevale Garden Centre, thanks to Jan and Claire for being awesome helpers. Here are some photos of our little shoppers, they all enjoyed exploring the plants, the aquarium and definitely the soft play followed by party ring biscuits and milk.

All nursery children will experience this trip over the next two weeks. 

Wyevale Garden Centre 2nd May morning children

Welcome back to the Summer term. It's a six week half term where hopefully we will see an improvement in the weather and the sun shines for more than a day!


We welcome 13 new children to Nursery in the morning and afternoon sessions. I know that you will make these new parents and children welcome to Bryn Hafod Nursery.


We have lots of fun activities planned for indoors and outdoors so please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather.


A gentle reminder for snack money, £1 a week, please ensure that you pay as it needs everyone paying to make it successful.


I have arranged for us to visit Wyevale Garden Centre during various dates in May, we will be looking at plants, fish and having a play in the lovely play area there during these visits. I will be driving the minibus to keep costs down so we will be charging a small amount of £2 to cover the cost of the play area (usually £3, but we are allowed in for £1.50 and 50p to cover the minibus cost).


We will be focussing on various books to enhance our learning this term, starting with the lovely 'Handa's Surprise'last week, this week 'The Tiny Seed', and next week Oliver's Vegetables.


Many Thanks for your continued support

Mrs Shears and the Nursery team




We have lots more photos from our various activities linked to Handa's Surprise. The children had the opportunity to taste and make fruit kebabs, they did rubbings of various fruits, they experienced African drumming, they designed and painted African necklaces, and they all worked collaboratively to create a wonderful wall display of 'Handa's Surprise'.

Nursery Photos

Planting seeds and looking after them

Handa's Surprise Activities

Welcome back to the Spring term that started off so well and then by day four we had two snow days, we are glad that everyone had fun and stayed safe in the snow.


This week we will be celebrating the Eisteddfod on Thursday 8th March and World book day on Friday 9th March. 


Our topic for this half term is 'People who help us'. We are lucky that this week on Thursday 8th we will be having some visitors from the local Fire station. The fire fighters will tell us how to stay safe.


We will also be busy making cards for a special person in our family.


Please remember that snack money is £1 a week, there are still a number of people with outstanding amounts, please pay or see us as soon as possible.


If any of our parents have expertise or experience in a job role of people who help us and would be willing to come and chat to the children or show any equipment that they use, please see me to arrange.


Many thanks for your continued support and well wishes whilst I've been ill and off work. 

Mrs Shears and the Nursery team

Welsh cakes and left over snow 5th March 2018

13th November 2017

We are continuing with our SPACE topic and this week we will be focussing on Reflections and Mirrors. We will be reading a few short stories and watching some videos including clips from Rainbow Fish, Snow White, Mirror Mirror on the wall, The Ugly Duckling and The magic Mirror. 

We will be creating our own magic mirrors, decorating old CD's to shimmer like Rainbow Fish with his shiny scales, building rockets, and looking at reflections in the water using mirrors. We will be introducing our dark den outside and using torches to create shadows.













9th October 2017

This week we are focussing on Our 5 Senses. We will be going on a listening walk around the school grounds. We will be tasting lots of different foods blindfolded and guessing what they are. We will be enjoying the physical activities outside, lots of the children are now able to pedal the bikes and are able to use the balancing apparatus more confidently.

We will be creating individual Mr Potato Head pictures showing the 5 Senses, see, hear, taste, touch and listen. 

The children will be coming home with their targets over the next two weeks, this needs to be supported at home and the children will quickly achieve them and be given new targets.

Welcome back!

We welcome back a few of our old Nursery children and are excited to welcome our new starters who I know are very keen to join our fun filled Nursery sessions.

We stagger the children when starting to ensure that they have the best settling in period possible. By the second week of October all our Autumn starters will be in and hopefully settled. 

We expect a few tears and these I assure you don't last long!


During the first few weeks of your child starting we informally assess where they are with their development, this is nothing to worry about and it is done through fun activities, such as for maths, naming and matching colours and shapes. We also do a language assessment, checking their understanding and how well they can communicate, again if we have any concerns we will speak to you. We also look at their Personal and Social Development, such as putting their coats on and using the toilet independently.



This week we are focussing on Families. We will be learning the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' and singing our rhyme 'This Little Piggy went to Market'. Our activities will be focussed on making houses outside using various natural and man made materials. We will be assessing shape and colour knowledge by making shape houses. We will also be making our houses using collage materials/lolly sticks and representing the people who live in our house using our fingerprints. 

Every week we will be doing 'Mini me yoga' on a Tuesday in the class and our PE sessions will take place on a Thursday usually in the hall.


Please remember £1 a week snack money.

Please bring your child's bag in every day 

September exploring our Nursery

Bryn Hafod Beach Party and Teddy Bears Picnic 18th July 2017


What a fantastic day we had, fun in the paddling pools and burying mermaids in the sand. A beautiful picnic and lots of smiles and sunshine. Well done everybody. Will miss you all x 



Morning Nursery Bryn Hafod Beach Party and Teddy Bears Picnic

Afternoon Nursery Beach Party and Teddy Bears Picnic


What a wonderful time we all had yesterday at Heath Park Miniature Railway. Weather was beautiful , the children loved riding on all the trains and the tram.

A huge thank you to all the men and woman from the Cardiff Model Engineering Society for being so welcoming and providing refreshments and delicious ice cream to all our children. Huge smiles had by all. 

15th May 2017

This week our focused texts are 'The Train Ride and 'Mr Gumpys Motor Car Outing'.

Our Nursery rhyme is 'Wheels on the bus', changing it slightly to the 'Wheels on the car'. Through this version we hope to teach the children parts of the car that they may not be familiar with.

The children will be designing a car that they will make using junk material throughout the week. We will be using the pattern trundle wheels outside using paint to mark make.

We will be sorting using cars, we will be sorting by size and colour. We will be creating a new class graph to replace 'Our favourite fruit' one. The new graph will be of cars, scooters and bikes and we will be recording this data and looking at the most and least popular colours and who has a bike, scooter and car.


Please remember snack money is £1 each week.



Also for those who haven't paid and returned consent forms for the 'Heath Miniature Railway' trip please see me this week. Also note the change of Nursery times for that day only.


Many Thanks for your continued support

Mrs Shears and the Nursery team



What a wonderful trip we all had yesterday exploring Cefn Mably farm , children had so much fun feeding the animals and playing in the soft play area .