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Bryn Hafod Primary School home page

Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Digital Leaders

Croeso i Arweinwyr Digidol. 

Welcome to the BrynHafod Digital Leader Page. 

Pupil Voice Groups

Bryn Hafod has various pupil voice groups led by tecahers from all over our school.  We have varuious pupil voice groups such as; Healthy Heroes, Digital Leaders, Criw Cymraeg, Play Pals and School Council.


We held a competition within our Pupil voice Group to design a logo for our group.  We had some very good designs presented however, the logo you see presented on our page was created by our Chair Person.  Congratulations Dominik!


Bryn Hafod Digital Leaders Pupil Voice Group

The Bryn Hafod Digital Leaders are a group of children that meet every fortnight within a pupil voice group. The group consists of pupils from Ks2 (Juniors) and Foundation Phase (Y1 and Y2).  We meet to discuss how we can improve the teaching, learning and wellbeing of our pupils and staff by taking positive steps in making our school an E-safety school.  We have set priorities for the year and these are outlined below.  This page will be updated periodically by our Chairperson on a fortnightly basis with forthcoming events, news and information regarding E-safety issues and actions undertaken.

Why do we have a Digital Leaders pupil voice group?

We live in a 21st Century world where technology is part of our daily lives.  Did you know that a by the time a child born today, turns 7 years old, they will have spent approximately 1 whole year on a digital device?  It is important that pupils today are able to use technology confidently and competently.  Being a competent user of digital technology means to know how to use it safely and responsibly; when it is appropriate to use a particular programme or device and how to use technology effectively.  


It is true that in most cases, pupils today are far more confident at use digital technology than their parents.  Technology has moved on so quickly in the past 30 years that digital devices are used more than ever across the world.  Parents and teachers have a responsibility to make sure that our children use digital devices in the safest way possible.  Children need to be aware of their amazing capabilities and also the dangers associated with them. 


The focus of Bryn Hafod's Digital Leaders this year will be E-safety.  They will help lead the way to achieving E-safety status through an accreditation by 360 Degree Safe.  

Arweinwyr Digidol Priorities 2018-19

We have 5 main priorities this year with regards to E-safety in Bryn Hafod Primary School.

These are set out in our action plan and have been discussed in our Pupil Voice Groups and shared with pupils across the school.  The priorities for this year are as follows:


  • To achieve the 360 Degree Safe E-safety Award

  • To raise the profile of E-safety in our school

  • To make sure that all pupils in Bryn Hafod are aware of E-safety issues and procedures

  • To make sure that Teachers in Bryn Hafod are aware of E-safety policies and procedures

  • To raise awareness of E-safety issues with the wider community including Parents and Governors.


We have created an action plan of tasks which can be viewed below.  We aim to work together to create a school where pupils can continue to explore digital technologies in a safe and secure environment.



Meet the Pupil Voice Group - Digital Leaders

We are Bryn Hafod's Digital Leaders Pupil Voice Group.  We are proud to be part of the Digital Leader Pupil Voice Group as we can help the Teachers, staff and Governors to make sure that our school values the importance of E-safety.  We are a team made up of children from Ks2 and Foundation Phase.  This helps us to make sure that throughout our school we work together to achieve our goals! 


Chair Person - Dominik , Vice Chair Person - Caeran, Secretary - Brooke

Our Digital Leaders

Letters sent to Parents

Here are the letters that have been sent to parents regarding E-safety.  Don't worry if you have missed them you can view them here and browse them at your leisure.