Blwyddyn 2 - Year 2
Croeso i Flwyddyn Dau!
Welcome to Year 2!
Dosbarth Glas - Mrs Coleman and Miss Atkins
Dosbarth Coch - Mrs Grosvenor and Miss Long
Important Information
3rd May - INSET day
6th May - Bank Holiday
7th May - INSET Day
9th - 14th May - National Tests
Last day of Half term - 24th May
Back to School - 3rd June
Finish school year - 19th July
P.E Days are Monday's and Thursday's, please ensure that all P.E kits are clearly labelled and that pupils have the following items of clothing:
- T-shirt - Crys T
- Shorts - Siorts
- Trainers/daps - Esgidiau chwaraeon
PPA Day is on a Wednesday, during this time the pupils will be taught by either Mrs Mcfarlane or Miss Perryman.
Snack is £1 for the week or 20p a day, snack will only be offered to pupils who pay.
Summer Term
Our topic for the summer term is 'Global Garden'. This is all about food and plants. We will learn about how food can grow and the different types off plants that are able to grow. Within this time we will focus on different areas of the topic including how plants grow, how they get transported and Fairtrade.
The pupil are enjoying our topic so far. So far we have been extra busy making recycled paper, making our own bread to eat and learning about poetry. We have also been super lucky to get different visitors that have been able to give us information all about minibeasts, forests and the habitats. We also had a visit from Rhiannon Roberts, a Welsh artist, that we had been looking at during our creative lesson with Mrs Mcfarlane and Miss Perryman, who helped us create a plaque that will go up somewhere in the school!

Spring Term 2 - Tales From Wales
This term we are learning all about the country we live in... WALES! We will be learning different Welsh tales, adding our own actions and then performing in front of our friends and different classes. We will also be learning some traditional Welsh dancing, and teaching it to other children! We also hope to take a trip up to our local 'Hub' to learn about how they help the community that we live in.
In PPA we will be completing some reasoning problems and creating our very own Clay Daffodils in the afternoon!

Spring Term 1 - Electric Rainbow
This term our topic is 'Electric Rainbow!' which will be based all around Electricity! We will be taking part in lots of experiments and learning all about how it works.
Whilst we were away on our Christmas break there were strange visitors to our school. THEY ARE CALLED STONE GIANTS!!!! We have been very busy looking for clues on where the Stone Giant's may be and have written letters to see if they would reply. By doing this we have already found out about Baby Stone Giant and how he is lost somewhere in school! We hope to return him to a very worried Mummy Stone Giant!
We are also very excited to be going on our school trip to Techniquest on Thursday 17th January. We hope to learn lots whilst we are there!!

Our Techniquest Trip
We had SO much fun whilst we were at Techniquest! We got to explore all the different activities that they had to offer. We particularly enjoyed the giant floor keyboard, the foam area and the activities that involved electricity. We were able to power different electronics by working together and turning wheels as fast as we could!!
We also got a talk from the people at Techniquest where we learnt about light and dark and about shadows.
Diolch yn fawr Techniquest!!
Autumn Term 2 - 'Fire, Fire'
Autumn Term 1 - Land Ahoy
Welcome to Year 2, we are so excited to be back from a lovely summer holidays. We are looking forward to discovering new and exciting learning and developing our love of learning.
Our first topic is 'Land Ahoy' which is all about pirates, we are going to focus on a very famous local pirate 'Captain Henry Morgan' who once owned Llanrumney Hall. We have been very lucky to be able to visit 'Captain Henry Morgan's' park and go on Pirate adventures to find treasure!!