Tesco Trip
Welcome back to the Summer term, which is busy, busy, busy!
We have a whole school event next Tuesday 9th June for 'Save The Children' which is Den Day, please donate any old materials you have and bring a £1 donation. The children will work together in their classes to design their den and then build their den on the field or the woods,this fun day will raise lots of money and will hopefully provide lots of enjoyment.
We then have our Farm to Fork trip to Tescos on Wednesday 10th June, please return consent forms and £1 cost to us ASAP. The workshops are free and we will be taking the children on the minibuses to keep costs at a minimum.
We then have our end of year trip to 'Mountain View Ranch' which is near Caerphilly Mountain on Wednesday the 17th June. The children will take part in a 'Gruffalo trail and have full use of the play sand park and we will spend the day there. The cost of this trip is £7 which includes the admission cost and the covers the cost of the coach.
Week beginning 1st June
Our current topic is Fur and Feathers, the children will be learning about Pets and other animals and how they are cared for.
They will be continuing with their Sound Steps reading books (these books are yours to keep) and Letter sounds.
This week they have brought home a reading folder that is their home reader, please encourage your child to read this book and remember to bring it back to school ready to change next Monday.
In Maths we are learning about sharing, equal parts and halves.