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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Blwyddyn 5 - Mrs Mathieson / Mr Guinee

Croeso i Fflwyddyn 5!

Welcome to Year 5!

This year, our classes are:

Dosbarth Coch - Mrs Mathieson

Dosbarth Glas - Mr Guinee 

Start Time 8:45

Finish Time 3:00


The classes will be supported by Mrs Bays.

Year 5 PPA teachers will be Miss Perryman and Mrs MacFarlane.

Physical Education / Addysg Grofforol

Both classes will have their P.E. lesson on a Wednesday.  Children must come to school on a Wednesday wearing their P.E. Kit.


Please wear the following items to school on a Wednesday:

T-Shirt / Crys-T

Shorts / Siorts

Tracksuit / Traciau

Trainers  / Esgidiau chwaraeon


Please ensure all P.E. kit is labelled clearly.



Spellings will be set on a Monday and test will take place on a Friday.

All spellings will be placed on the Google Classroom for pupils to practise at home.


Reading Books


All pupils will be sent home with a reading book and a home reading record.

When your child reads to you - please sign and date the record with a comment. 

It is important that all pupils are encouraged to read regularly at home.

Teachers will collect these reading records in on a Tuesday and a Friday.We will sign and return them.

Please read with your child twice a week. We will remind all pupils when they are being collected!



Questions to ask your child at home whilst reading

Accessing Google Classroom from Home


To access Google classroom pupils can download a FREE app via the App store on an ipad or iphone and via the Google Play Store on Android devices. Pupils then need to sign in using the username and password

provided to them by the class teacher. 


To access google classroom on a laptop or PC pupils need to go to and sign in with their HWB details.


Forgotten your HWB details?  No problem, notify your class teacher and they can help you out.

Year 5 Photographs