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Bryn Hafod Primary School home page

Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Meithrin - Miss Griffiths

Croeso i'r feithrinfa!

Welcome to Nursery!


Miss Griffiths - Class Teacher

     Mrs Barry - Teaching Assistant (Mon - Thurs)

     Miss Sue - Teaching Assistant (Fridays only)

Miss Atkins - PPA cover


Please find the relevant information on the following bullet points:

  • School times

  • What to do if your child is late / absent

  • Snack

  • No toys

School times 

Mornings: 8.45 - 11.15

Afternoons: 12.30 - 3.00


Due to health & safety reasons, no parents are allowed in the Nursery: please wait outside the gate before the session and after the session. We will greet and dismiss the children from the gate. Gates open 8.35am ready for learning at 8.45am and 12.20pm ready for learning at 12.30pm.



 If your child is absent, please contact the school office as soon as possible to explain the reasons for absence.



We will provide a healthy snack for your child each day. Snack is £1 a week. You may still provide a bottle of water for your child, although milk is given. Please ensure bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name. Please make staff aware of any allergies your child has.


No Toys

Some children like to bring in their own toys, but unfortunately these often get lost, broken or taken. Please ensure your child does not bring any home toys/items to school to avoid loss or damage.



Our topics for learning!

Topic 1: Me and My Senses

We learn the names for our body parts through songs and rhymes such as 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes'. We explore our senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell through experiments and investigations. We enjoy taste testing, going on listening walks and matching textures and finding smells.


Topic 2: To the Moon and Back

We explore the earth and the sky through stories, festivals and celebrations for example Divali, Hannukah and Christmas. We look at planets, aliens and towards Christmas maybe even have a visit from Santa!

Topic 3: Stories and Rhymes

In this topic we listen to traditional and modern stories and rhymes including The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Owl Babies and a special visit from The Tiger Who Came to Tea! We also take a look at the characters within rhymes such as Humpty Dumpty, Old MacDonald and Miss Polly.


Topic 4: The Farm

We find out about animals and their babies who live on a farm. We investigate where food comes from such as milk, eggs and we will be making our own bread.


Topic 5: Minibeasts

We will examine lots of minibeasts and their habitats. We will be going on a minibeast hunt, making a giant spider web and having an Ugly Bug Ball. We will be learning about life cycles and listening to stories such as The Bad Tempered Ladybird, The Very Hungry Caterpillar as well as songs such as The Incey Wincey Spider.


Topic 6: Fun in the Sun

We have adventures and fun when we look at the seaside, rockpools and the underwater world. We explore the beach, the sea, the parks and playgrounds around us. We look at life in the ocean, clothes we wear when it's hot, pushes and pulls within the playgrounds and parks.


Useful links for learning



Kids TV 123

Educational youtube clips and songs for Nursery children.


Monster Phonics

Our school phonics guide


Home Learning - Spring 2

See Saw


In order to capture children's learning we often record activities through photos or videos. You can access these through an individual, unique code specifically for your child by downloading the app. 

Ask your teacher for your child's code.

Accessing Google Classroom from Home

To access Google classroom pupils can download a FREE app via the App store on an ipad or iphone and via the Google Play Store on Android devices. Pupils then need to sign in using the username and password

provided to them by the class teacher. 


To access google classroom on a laptop or PC pupils need to go to and sign in with their HWB details.


Forgotten your HWB details?  No problem, notify your class teacher and they can help you out.