Year 3 / Year 4 Classes
Welcome back!
It's lovely to see so many children returning to school, well rested and eager to learn. Children are looking fantastic in their school uniforms!
This page will be updated regularly with news, key dates, photographs and documentation especially for Year 3 and 4. Therefore, ensure that you check this page on a regular basis.
We look forward to your support as we work together to provide the best possible education for your children and so that they can be the best that they can!
Diolch yn fawr!
Year 3/4 Teaching Staff
Mr S. McLeod
Mrs T. Long
Miss K. Davies
Learning Support Assistant
Verity Birch
Weekly Routines
Reading - Reading books should be read every evening and returned to school every Tuesday and Friday. Reading books can be changed at any point during the week.
Spellings - New spellings will be sent home every Monday. Pupils will be tested on Friday.
Homework - Homework will be sent home every Friday to be completed by Wednesday.
Please can you ensure that your child brings suitable clothing (shorts/joggers and t-shirt) and footwear to participate in an outdoor activity on the following days:
Miss. Davies - Monday
Mrs. Long - Tuesday
Mr. McLeod's class - Wednesday
If your child fails to bring PE kit, they will be asked to wear the school's spare PE kit. If you do not wish for your child to wear this kit, please ensure that they bring their kit in on the correct day!
Summer 1
During this term pupils in Year 3 and 4 will be studying the topic of 'Our Sustainable Earth'. This will include examining different types of rock, using different criteria to classify them. Pupils will also look at different types of pollution and ways in which we can help our local environment.
Spring 2
This terms topic is the Tudors. During this time we will be looking at Tudor monarchs, Henry VIII and his six wives, the Spanish Armada, Tudor banquets and William Shakespeare.
National Reading & Numeracy Tests
Profion Darllen a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol
National Reading and Numeracy Tests
Children in Years 2 to 9 now take national tests in reading and numeracy each summer. It is really important that your child is in school to take the tests.
The reading tests are made up of short questions based on two or more texts. Some of the questions check how well the text has been understood, others aim to find out if children are able to make judgements about what they are reading.
There are two kinds of numeracy tests.
The procedural test measures skills in number, measuring and data skills.
The reasoning test measures how well children can use what they know to solve everyday problems.
Spring 1
Drumming Workshop
Techniquest Trip
Scary Skeletons
Miss Davies’ class enjoyed making skeletons from cotton wool buds. It’s not as easy as it looks!
Autumn 2
St. Fagans Trip
Just a few snaps of our trip to St. Fagans, where we learnt lots of new facts about the Victorians and even participated in a Victorian day school lesson. Mr McLeod took to the part very well!
Autumn 1
This term Year 3/4's topic is Global Gourmet. This is a Geography based topic and will focus on food from around the world.
Our Science title is 'Down in the Woods'. This will involve looking at Woodland habitats and the plants, animals and mini beasts that live there.