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Bryn Hafod Primary School

Learning for life...successful futures start here!

Key Stage 2 Curriculum

The New Curriculum

We are currently in an exciting time in the reform journey set out in Education in Wales: Our National Mission. These materials are the product of three years of extensive co-development with the education profession through pioneer schools, in partnership with regional consortia, Estyn, Qualifications Wales and a range of other stakeholders and experts.

The national mission is to raise standards, reduce the attainment gap, and deliver an education system that is a source of national pride and public confidence. Curriculum for Wales 2022, made in Wales but shaped by the best from around the world, is fundamental to achieving that mission.

For the first time, Wales will have a curriculum which is purpose based, based on four purposes that articulate what we want our young people to be at 16:

• ambitious and capable;

• enterprising and creative;

• ethical and informed and

• healthy and confident.

Curriculum for Wales 2022 is designed as a national framework for learners age 3 to 16 to support professionals to develop our school level curricula: allowing us the flexibility to provide teaching and learning which meets the specific needs of our learners in their contexts and communities.

It signals a new phase of co-construction in the development of the new curriculum. Over the summer term, the WG will be seeking the views of the whole education profession in Wales as well as children and young people, parents and a range of wider stakeholders.

The refined Curriculum for Wales 2022 will then be made available in January 2020 for use in September 2022 by primary schools and for year 7. The new curriculum will then be rolled out on year by year basis in secondary schools.

Through the summer term, WG will engage extensively with the teaching profession and wider stakeholders. As the next phase of co-construction WG are inviting a wide range of feedback so the practitioners who developed it can further refine the new curriculum.

Workforce events involving the Consortia, Qualifications Wales and Welsh Government will take place during May and June.

There will also be a pack for us to use in our own events that will be available from mid May.

You can access the published materials and provide feedback at:

It is made up of the following 6 areas:

  • skills development
  • the national curriculum
  • personal and social education
  • sex education
  • careers and the world of work
  • religious education.

The school curriculum is learner focussed, places an emphasis on skills development and ensures that it is appropriate for the specific needs of Wales.  

The National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) is designed to help teachers embed literacy and numeracy into all subjects for learners aged 5 to 14.

The LNF sets the skills we expect learners to develop. Within literacy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • oracy across the curriculum
  • reading across the curriculum
  • writing across the curriculum.

Within numeracy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • developing numerical reasoning
  • using number skills
  • using measuring skills
  • using data skills.

Teachers will be able to use the LNF to:

  • develop curriculum content to ensure that all learners have opportunities to develop and refine the skills set out in the LNF
  • integrate literacy and numeracy into their teaching – whatever the subject matter
  • inform discussions with parents/carers, learners and other teachers about learner performance
  • help learners with their own self-assessment activities and planning for learning
  • monitor, assess and report on individual learner performance
  • identify learners who may benefit from intervention or who are working beyond age-related expectations.